Ball JHS

LCAP Survey Information for our AUHSD and Ball families!


Thank you for participating in the 2021-23 Anaheim Union High School District (AUHSD) LCAP Survey. The survey will help AUHSD understand their progress toward district-wide goals for student achievement and community involvement. 


All responses to this survey are anonymous and will be kept strictly confidential. Please be as open and honest as possible. The survey should take approximately 5 minutes to complete. 


Student Survey: Students can choose a Spanish translation, if needed, by using the dropdown menu at the top of the survey..

2021-23 AUHSD Student LCAP Survey

Parent Survey:  You use the dropdown menu at the top of the survey to select Spanish, Vietnamese, and Korean as well as English

2021-23 AUHSD Parent LCAP Survey

Community Survey: You use the dropdown menu at the top of the survey to select Spanish, Vietnamese, and Korean as well as English

2021-23 AUHSD Community LCAP Survey

Staff Survey

2021-23 AUHSD Staff LCAP Survey

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