IMPORTANT NOTICE: Once you click on any one of the following links, you will leave this website. Please note that we are not responsible for any content posted on these websites or the design of these websites.
Access the Parent Toolkit Website here:
To Access the training/practice test for Smarter Balanced login here and select 7th or 8th grade :
Articles on Parent Involvement in Schools from UCLA |
Bibliography of Parent Involvement Studies |
California Department of Education |
Child and Family Web Guide |
National Coalition for Parent Involvement in Education |
National PTA |
Parent Information from OCDE |
Parenting Teens
ParentingTeensNetwork is a communications company focused on producing responsible and appropriate communications for parents and teens. We seek to improve the dialogue between parents and teens about important issues like health and wellness, relationships, technology and media, education, finances and more.
U.S. Department of Education Parent Resources
Includes a Toolkit for Hispanic Families: