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World Language

At Ball Junior High School, we offer Spanish to our students. We have two levels of non-native Speakers as well as  a program for native Spanish Speakers. 


Students that continue in Spanish in High School will have the opportunity to earn the State Seal of Biliteracy upon graduation!


World Languages


Spanish 1

(Non-Native Speakers)


Students will develop proficiency in reading, writing, speaking, and understanding the Spanish language and its related cultures at the appropriate levels.

Participation is required in all classroom activities as well as individual work outside of class. All course work is aligned with the California Content Standards Framework for Foreign Languages, English Arts Standards and Common Core.


Spanish for Spanish Speakers 1


This class is for students who already speak the Spanish language. A major emphasis will be placed on Spanish literacy. 

Students will experience extensive study in reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. This class counts toward one year of the college/university requirement for foreign language and will also help the student to work toward the “Seal of Bi- literacy” for the AUHSD.

Spanish for Spanish Speakers 2


In this course there will be an emphasis on reading

comprehension and improving writing ability. Students will build on their language skills and cultural awareness using different forms of literary expression from the Spanish-speaking world.

Extensive listening and speaking practice in Spanish, and systematic contact with Latin culture. Emphasis on vocabulary, pronunciation, intonation, and comprehension. Students will build up skills developed in Spanish for Spanish Speakers 1.

Spanish (English)


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